The Finnish resistance movement (FRM) is a hitlerist nazi-sect led from Sweden by an ex-skinhead Klas Lund. They strive for a pan-Nordic dictatorship, which would be a copy of the Calmar union mixed with Third Reich policies. FRM is best known for their violence, terroristic actions and deep macho culture that promotes “honor” and blood purity. Behind the curtains FRM is full of snitches, so called race traitors and a leadership that uses a snitch as a spokesman for the organization internationally. Even their nazi-ideology is for sale for that matter.
FRM is participating in an international nazi-conference Reconquista Europa that is organized by “Deutsche Stimme” on 9-10.10.2015 in Germany.
The Finnish resistance movement was founded in 2008 when Henrik Holappa was in correspondence with the convicted members from the US based nazi-terrorist organization The Order. They connected Holappa with Magnus Söderman who at the time was working as one of the leaders of the Swedish resistance movement (SRM) that wanted a division in Finland. Later SRM has founded sister organizations also in Norway and Denmark, making the Nordic resistance movement (NRM) the umbrella organisation of all these.
The Nordic resistance movement has always been known as the most violent and dogmatic of all the fascist groups in Nordic countries. For example SRM was behind the Kärrtorp-attack in Stockholm, Sweden in December 2013 after which many antifascists got long prison sentences for defending the attacked peaceful antiracist demonstration.
In Finland one of the first actions of people involved in FRM was the attack against Helsinki Pride with pepper spray and tear gas grenades in 2010. Some of the attackers got convicted of 88 cases of assault. The youngest victim was a 7-month-old infant. The Finnish resistance movement is built as a sect with strict demands of subordination to the leadership. For example the members have to pay a fine to the Swedish leadership if they do not participate in plastering stickers around the cities two times a week. They also claim to have a good security culture even though their membership applications and secret inside forums have leaked to the internet multiple times.
A key member of the organization is a snitch and has
continued to work in FRM even after having snitched other nazis already
in the beginning of 2013.
Since 2012 the leader of FRM is a rigid nazi Juuso Tahvanainen, who says
his conscience prohibits him from working together with “strasserists”.
For example in May day 2014 NRM was invited to participate in a
demonstration called ”Tag der nationalen arbeit 2014” in Plauen,
Germany. The invitation came from Stephan Günther who is a member of
Nordisches Hilfswerkand and at least a contact person for the now
illegal Freies Netz Süd. This information was found on the secret forum
of the NRM. The May day event was organized by Der Dritte Weg –party
that is a project of the now illegal Freies Netz Süd –group.
After Juuso
Tahvanainen found out that Der Dritte Weg is a strasserist organization
he wrote to other Finns: “I am really sorry to have to cancel my trip at
this point, but the event brings fourth too much symbolism (and
ideology) from the Black Front, which is way too far from my values even
considering the context of Germany today." To this other leader of FRM,
Ali Kaurila, responded: "We have been planning this trip so long that
it would cause a lot of questions if we cancel it at this point. Would
there be someone else who wants to travel to Germany?”
Instead of Juuso Tahvanainen, NRM sent Paavo Laitinen as their
representative to Plaumen. At this point Paavo Laitinen had already
snitched all the people from FRM who participated in the so called
library attack. They attacked a public presentation of a book concerning
Finnish extreme right. The presentation was held in a public library in
Jyväskylä, Finland on 30.1.2013. When the antifascists working as
security guards at the library defended the event, one of the attacking
Nazis drew a knife and stabbed one of the security guards.
Laitinen was one of the three attackers. The second attacker was a local
nazi Sampsa Muhonen who owns a nazi-clothing store called “Ferus
Finnum”. Muhonen turned himself in the next day and snitched everyone
involved. Paavo Laitinen got arrested the day after the attack. In
addition to Muhonen Paavo Laitinen snitched everyone after sitting for a
couple days in the police prison. He even admitted that he tried to get
his 17-year-old brother and his brothers girlfriend to participate in
the attack.
At the time of arrest Laitinen also had a “list of race
traitors” on his laptop. He got later convicted and had to pay about
30000 euros in fines for this list with hundreds of names, including
minors. Latinen also had on his laptop a partially unencrypted
discussion with Ali Kaurila, who is one of the leaders of FRM, about
planning the knife attack to the library.
Here is a video of the
library attack / antifas hitting back. The guy in the blue jacket is the
snitch Paavo Laitinen:
So basically, the attack was at least partially planned by the
leaders of FRM and two of the three FRM attackers snitched all the other
Paavo Laitinen has held a key position in FRM in the last few years. He
has been a central figure in making and updating FRM website, social
media accounts, making propaganda videos and pictures, and worked as the
leader of Jyväskylä local group. The court case against the library
attack was held in the beginning of 2015, after that Paavo Laitinen has
not been seen in the pictures posted on FRM site. He is still active in
twitter, advertising FRM activities. It also seems like he is still the
administrator of the website and continues making videos for FRM.
Laitinen is also a bass player in the RAC-band “Pagan Skull” that has
made a split with the Estonian RAC band “Minu Kamp”. After the snitching
Pagan Skull has played for example at a gig organized by Finnish Blood
and Honour.
In the last year NRM has changed its politics and racial theories quite
radically. Where as before NRM was only open for “Nordic blood” it is
now possible for “all Europeans” to become members. They have also
changed their view on parlamentarism. They used to be strictly against
parlamentarism and called all parliamentary parties traitors of national
socialist revolution. Now they are starting their own parliamentary
party in Sweden. In march 2015 NRM took part in the international
Russian conservative forum meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia, which was
a pro-Putin event.
In Finland FRM has made co-operation with neofascist Suomen Sisu which
has a couple of MPs in the Finnish parliament on the list of the
populist and racist True Finns party. The most famous member of Suomen
Sisu is the Eurabia theoretician Jussi Halla-aho. He is currently in the
European Parliament as a member of True Finns party, which is part of
the group Europe of Freedom and Democracy, that in turn consists of for
example UKIP (UK), Lega Nord (Italy) and Danish People's Party(Denmark).
Halla-aho was widely quoted by Breivik in his manifesto.
In the 6th of December 2014, which is the Independence Day of Finland,
FRM, Suomen Sisu and an internet publishing site called Sarastus [Dawn]
organized a nationalist demonstration “612”, in which organization or
openly fascist symbols were not used. In the end of the summer 2015
Suomen Sisu and Sarastus called FRM “stupid and marginal” and condemned
their politics and street actions because FRM had attacked locals at a
demonstration in Jyväskylä in august 2015. It is still unclear if
FRM still wants to co-operate with these organizations, that actively
try to marginalize and condemn FRM inside the nationalisti scene in Finland.
To sum up, the Finnish resistance movement has a problem with a leadership that lets known snitches represent the whole Nordic resistance movement in international events and lets them continue to work in the organization. In addition the leadership of FRM co-operates with strasserist and neofascist groups that are politically hostile towards FRM and condemns it publicly. In the latest year NRM has started to open its doors by abandoning racial theory in favor of a “pan-European Pro-Putin nationalism”. Also a parliamentary group is to be created in Sweden. At the same time NRM still evokes a strategy of propagandist violent street actions where they attack local people in their demonstrations, which they never advertise publicly.