We want to publish the route, call outs and latest infos for the demonstration on 22/04/2017
For the route: Start - Proskauer/ Eldenaer – Dolziger – Samariterstraße – Schreinerstraße - Voigtstraße – Rigaerstraße – Proskauerstraße – Niederbarnimstraße- Simon-Dach-Straße – Revalerstraße – Warschauerstraße – Falkensteinstraße – Görlitzer Park – Ohlauerstraße – Friedelstraße – Sonnenallee – Hermannplatz – End
Call-Outs :Call-out from Friedel54 // Call out of the inhabitants of Rigaer94s fronthouse // / Call-out of the Aktionsgruppe Rigaer 71-73 // Call out of the Street-assembly
A lot has happened in the past weeks. Propaganda was handed out, pasted and sprayed all over Berlin. The Kiez (local term for the close neighbourhood, its community and structures) is preparing for the 22nd.Posters can be found in the bookshops Schwarze Risse and Schwankende Weltkugel.This aside there was again a tumult around some dubious Construction Agency, when they decided to get into espionage against inhabitants of Rigaerstraße with a drone
The presence of cops, especially at night, has noticeably risen again. The coming weeks and months will show how the situation in the kiez will develop.
We are hoping for a powerful, decisive and loud demo that aims to convey some contents aswell. Not just the cops have an influece on how the demo will run, we all can stir it up with our creativity - no concept will be imposed. There are always good reasons to practise insurrection, at the moment we do think it will be more of a colourful mixed neighbourhood demonstration, raising its fist in threat to CG-Gruppe, Berlins politicians and the G20-Summit. But it wouldn't be the first time that the mood in the Neighbourhood turns 180°. To expand our potential we have to work on it together.
We repeat our call to take part in the demo and take a clear stance for a decisive and strong resistance against the prevailing conditions to everyone fighting displacement and revaluation and coming together and organizing in their nieghbourhoods. Forget about demands towards the state, lets take back the street!
Another short notice:: We stick to the same line as on the demos of the 6th of February 2016 and 9th of July 2016 and do not want to see flags of any political parties or their youthorganizations. The same goes for national flags, flags of SDAJ (Socialist German Workers Youth), MLPD (Marxist–Leninist Party of Germany), Arbeitermacht(Workers' Power), RIO (revolutionary internationalist organisation), REVOLUTION etc. This demo, like our resistance is strictly extra-parliamentary.
To all those heading to Cologne on the 22nd of April to turn the AFDs national political convention into a disaster, we wish you sporting success