Declaration of Enoruwa Charles, against „Residenzpflicht“ (right not to move) AND Hausverbot (right not to visit friends)

Kein Mensch ist illegal

I will not respect any racist law that dont respect my bonafide rights and I demand a stop to the racist persecution of Amtsgerich Schwäbisch Gmünd
We the refugees from Schwabisch Gmund call on our fellow refugees, the supporters of refugees and the general public who may be concerned to join us on Monday the 7th of October 2013, 11O'clockam at the Amtsgericht Schwäbisch Gmünd in Obstalbkries Baden Württemberg as we make our declarations, statements and testimonies (Kundgebung) open to the general public and to require those at the hem of affairs to listen and to carry out our demands.

Declaration of Enoruwa Charles, against „Residenzpflicht“ (right not to move) AND Hausverbot (right not to visit friends) Nördlingen

On February 28th 2013. I went to my friends in the Gemeinschaftsunterkunft Nördlingen to show solidarity with their protests against the leaving conditions in the Isolation Lager/Camp. During the protests the head of the Isolation Lager/Camp spoke to the police and pointed at me and four(4) others refugees from the Isolation Lager/Camp in Schwabisch Gmund who were there in solidarity with fellow refugees, She told the police that we do not live in the Isolation Lager/Camp and we are even not allowed to stay there because of the Residenzpflicht. She even told the police that we are the ringleaders or motivator, which force the local refugees to protest and to boycott the food packages.

About 100 riot police were in search for us the following morning, when we were at the train station in Nördlingen the police was obviously looking for us for control because of the the Racist Residenzpflict and finally controlled us in the train in the usual manner of racial profiling and discrimination among other passengers in the train.

On March 5th the Central Administrative Office of Schwaben Bayern in Augsburg sent me a letter in which they told me that iam banned from visiting my friends in the Isolation Lager/Camp because of my unallowed stay over night and the disturbance of domestic peace. Which the refugees who leaved in the Lager or the Public never complained about.

Due to racist and racial police control in Germany (Nördlingen) my AUSWISS and other refugees were forcefully controlled. I got a letter that I have to meet with my city police in Schwäbisch Gmünd Police (25/03/2013) 10hr. for a hearing as defendants being blamed for Nötigung (compulsion) and Verstoß gegen das Versammlungsgesetz (offense against the law of assembly) and for violating the Residenzpflicht (right not to move)

I totally disagree with the statements of the Heimleitung in Nördlingen and the accusation of the police. I was in Nördlingen! and also taking part in the protests!: I was supporting my friends and fellow refugees in our common struggles. But i were not the ringleaders who forced people to start protest actions which they actually didn't want to start. Protests have taken place in Nördlingen several times in the last years, even without solidarity from other refugees and the protests are still going on there.

The house ban was imposed by the Heimleitung.(Alexandra Reinhardt) Not by anyone of the refugees. The Heimleitung is not living in the Gemeinschaftsunterkunft. But my friends are living there. I didn't violate there or bring any danger to anybody. To the contrary i supported my friends in the struggle against the oppressors.

I don't let you (Alexandra Reinhardt) to forbid me from visiting my friends. The ban makes me feel being treated in a racist way. No German citizen would forbid another German citizen to visit a friend. I am convinced that the Heimleitung (Alexandra Reinhardt) is abusing her office for her dubious points of view, by writing this letter for no reason. If she has nothing to do, she better use her time to solve the problems of the refugees in Nördlingen. There are enough problems being more serious than writing such a letter of a House ban.

Violation of fundamental and basic human rights has long become a culture in Germany were human are kept below every form of human existence all in the name of Refugees without the right to the so called German integration polices. Integration without freedom of movement, integration freedom to be employed in the labour market as refugees in Germany, integration without human face and human Dignity.

This German racist culture of human right violations has been a system of more the decades but a culture of century. Before the World War 1 in the year 1884 Germany declared the Togo land in West Africa region of Africa a protectorate and until after the World War 1 when Togo was transferred to France, the Togolese people have surfer intensively under the German state. And histories from our forefathers have narrated it clearly how the Togolese people were persecuted by the German Residenzpflicht law were by the Ethnic group EWE in the south were not allowed to visit or farm in the Ethnic KABYE in the north and same apply to other ethnics in the land of the Togo people.

In Germany, the Residenzpflicht forbids a refugee to leave the Landkreis/Given Area where his/her living situation is repression from the administrations and leads to isolation from the society. I do not accept this regulation and I also encourage fellow refugees to stand up for their right. because it offends my civil liberties (right of abode, general right of acting/ Freizügigkeit, Allgemeine Handlungsfreiheit), the Grundrechte (especially Artikel 11 - Freizügigkeit im Bundesgebiet) and the Geneva Conventions concerning the rights of Asylum seekers.

As a result of these structured persecution against refugees instituted by the German state which are carried out at different levels and administrative offices of the state, we hereby hold the position to exposing the persecution and"We here by call on the general public who like justice to support the fight for the oppressed and together we will librate the system and make Germany a land of justice, peace and freedom for all.

We demand the abolition of the Asylbewerberleistungesetz and the cancelation of all residenzflicht persecution cases against refugees.

We demand our constitutional right to be respected and treated with dignity.

We demand the German government to respect the Geneva convention which Germany is a signatory to, the declearation of human right and Asylum right was part of it.

We demand that Asylum seeker's and migrantes right be given cognisance and respected as fundamental basic rights and not as a privilege.

Charles Enoruwa The VOICE Refugee Forum, Baden-Württemberg
Committee against deportation Collaboration (Nigerian Embassy)
Phone 01602141827

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Koennen ja mal die frischgewaehlte CDU fragen, was die dazu sagen. Oder die restlichen Volltrottel im Land, die sie gewaehlt haben.


Das ist offensichtlicher institutioneller Rassismus, Verstoss gegen die Menschenrechte und grundsaetzliche Arschlochhaftigkeit.

Alter, wir haben 2013 und die Vernunft schreitet einfach nicht voran - im Gegenteil.


Aber Diedrich Hessling war halt ein weiches Kind, wa?

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