12th meeting of Indymedia linksunten in Freiburg


We'd like to invite you to the twelfth meeting of Indymedia Linksunten from the 1st to the 3rd February in the Autonomous Centre KTS Freiburg. There are several reasons to take part: Would you like to moderate postings with us? Do you want to know more about the project? Are you looking for information which might help build a new IMC? Then we'd be glad to see you. The eleventh meeting took place in Tübingen more than a year ago and it's time to reflect on linksunten and to shape the future of Indymedia.

There have been many more posts published on linksunten.indymedia.org in the last few months than previously. The lively newswire, the multifaceted front page, the up-to-date calendar and the well-stocked press archive prove that website is intensively used. Users are commenting and adding to a huge number of articles. This way, false information is quickly spotted and pointed out. We love the daily contributions that cover the whole spectrum of politics of the radical left: from the liberation of grapevine snails to the chopping down of German oak trees.

Aside from small disturbances like: the DNS trouble of indymedia.org and a power outage, downtime due to the relocation of our server to another data centre or problems with Mayfirst's upstream provider Hurricane Electric in New York City during hurricane Sandy; linksunten was online thanks to Tachanka! The website has moved to a virtual private server and linksunten serves https only. Now we're fixing some bugs in our Drupal installation and refining our strategies against spam. The next technical step is to migrate to Drupal 7. The jump, to the next major version of our content management system, will require extensive adjustments to the code. So it will take some time until we can switch version.

Unfortunately, there have been negative developments in the Indymedia network, too. The collectives behind at.indymedia.org and london.indymedia.org have dissolved and de.indymedia.org faces an existence-threatening crisis. It's difficult to find enough technicians to maintain the global infrastructure such as list servers or the ticket system. The broad acceptance of Indymedia linksunten convinces us that independent, nonsectarian, radical left media platforms need to exist. Even if the bourgeois press already celebrates a requiem for Indymedia, or exactly because it does, we offer to help launch new regional IMCs. Indymedia linksunten doesn't want to be a central IMC for the German-speaking area. We need solidarity and courage to outlast the upcoming struggles.


Kumen wet noch unser ojssgebenkte Scho!


IMC linksunten
Communiqué from the 10.12.2012

Zeige Kommentare: ausgeklappt | moderiert

have you though of PuSH enabling your feeds.  This would make it easier to syndicate and get realtime notice of updates.  There is a Drupal module that looks as if it wold help http://drupal.org/project/push_hub


Otherwise good luck

