(Italien) Tierbefreiung & Brandanschlag auf Forschungszentrum


translation of anonymous statement published in Terra Selvaggia (photos: Corriere di Bologna):
"During the night of July 20-21 at the Faculty of Agriculture farm in Ozzano Emilia (Bologna) we lit up the nights of a cold summer.

Inside thirty chickens were waiting to be killed in the name of science and profit: indeed we found corpses in a freezer inside the structure.
Journalists, spoon fed by the authorities, have written that the chickens burned alive in the fire. Each of these individuals were carried out before the flames destroyed the building. What warms our hearts is the knowledge that the farm was due to open in September but is still closed and will be for a long time. No animal will be locked in there where now debris and desolation dwell.

We claim responsibility for this action; we must attack places of torture and exploitation by whatever means possible. Answer the violence of power with the destruction of places where it is carried out. Each of us can do it, you just need to organize and use all your imagination and determination and not be fooled by the supposed sanctity of physical spaces where torture hides. The walls fall in, the rooves cave in, the fire washes away the suffering inside.

We were reminded during that week that three courageous individuals stood trial for transportation and possession of explosive material, and were suspected of planning an attack on the IBM bio-nanotechnology research center in Zurich. Solidarity and support to them and to all the warriors held hostage by the State.
To all those who still resist and who still attack."

Weitere Infos: http://directaction.info