Stop the slaughter! Prevent the extension of Wiesenhof!

Aktionscamp gegen Tierfabriken

Action camp against animal factories at Balge | 29th of July ‚til 4th of August 2016 | At Balge near Nienburg at the Weser (Lower Saxony)

There is a lot of pressure on Wiesenhof: At many places, at which new feedlots oder its slaughter factories are to be built or extented, there is resistance by neighbours, enviromental protection organizations and activists of the animal liberation movement.


The operation procedure of the parent company, the PHW-Group, and its partner companies is disturbed by manyfold actions.


In February 2016, the industrial inspectorate of Hannover issued a permission to the aninmal exploitation company „Nienburger Geflügelspezialitäten GmbH“ – a subsidiary company of the PHW-Group – to extend its factory at Holte near Nienburg. After three action camps, many activities, public relations, and an intensive hearing, it can be expected that four years after the permission was granted the extension will now begin.


Given the catastrophal consequences this is not acceptabel for us: the protest goes on!


Our aim „Stop the Slaughter!“ goes beyond the claim to prevent the extension of the slaughter factory of Wiesenhof. It means to overcome the capitalistic society, which is based upon the oppression and murder of animals, the exploitation of wage-related workers and the destruction of nature.


250.000 chickens are to be killed in the new slaughter factory every day, which means almost a double of the current number. We criticize the capitalistic manner of production, which depends on the exploitation of wage-related workers and takes an extremely repulsive form in the producion of meat. Furthermore, we want to speak out against harming, imprisoning and killing animals. Moreover we condemn the thereby caused climate change and its catastrophal consequences for life on earth, which are a further urgent reason to stop the production of meat. Last but not least, it has to be mentioned, that the global warming makes whole areas uninhabitable and leads to land grabbing for the farming of forage, eviction and escape. It is important for us to make obvious that these topics have common causes.


For the liberation of human and animal!


Different workshops, lectures, music, art, networking, and actions will take place at the camp.
The building lot and the slaughter factory with all the involved companies offer many possibilties for diverse and direct ations. Further informations and the programm will be released on our website:


Your attendance shall not fail because of money, so you will find nonobliging a suggestion for donation on the homepage.


Please register at: (pgp-key is available on our homepage)

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please improve on your Denglish!

It is "Nienburg upon Weser (Lower Sax.)"

Better luck next time.