Stuttgart am 11. October 2015: We'll stand queer!

Antihomophobe Aktion

Once again the so called "Demo für alle" is about to take place. Truthfully it should be rather called "Rally for all Homo- and Transphobics". The rally is launched against an educational plan which aims towards a greater acceptance of sexual plurality. The educational plan is simply about presenting nonheterosexual desire or identities as normal. At the same time this should help to make an outing easyer for adolescents.

Despite of all the pseudorational argumentations the anti-educationalplan-demonstrators want to uphold their heterosexual hegemony. Their wish is often fueled by a religious motivation. In accordance with that a majority of the demonstrators is comprised of christian fundamentalists. At the same time the rally seems to be coordinated by the organisation of a christian right wing conservative AfD-representative to the eu, Beatrix von Storch. Above all that the hardliners from CDU are also playing their part. This way a dangerous companionship pf christian fundamentalists, right wing populists and also a few neofascists will gather.

LGBTTIQ (1), Antifascists and their allies are mobilising for protest.


We don't want to leave the streets open to homophobia, transphobia and antifeminism!
All to the streets against the "Demo für alle" on 11. October 2015!


More information at the mobilisation-lecture on
6. October 2015 at Clubhaus Tübing, 19:00m or at


(1) lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, intersexuell, queer



Meetingpoints at Railwaystations

Tübingen Hbf | 10:45 am
Reutlingen Hbf | 11:00 am


a colaboration from:
*[ART]* - Antifa Reutlingen Tübingen


OTFR – „Offenes Treffen gegen Faschismus und Rassismus für Tübingen & die Region“