The process against the eight* accused of human smuggling in Wiener Neustadt is still going on. In the next three weeks there will be some days when the process will take place. The last is the 26. of June. It is still not clear if then judge decides the sentence.
Solidary visitors of the process are still necessary! [german version]
For this we want to remind you of the coming dates:
We: 11. June: 9 – 15.30 h (some snacks will be there)
Th: 12. June: 9 – 15.30 h (some snacks will be there)
Mo: 16. June: 9 – 15.30 h
Tu: 17. June: 9 – 15.30 h
We: 18. June: 9 – 15.30 h
Tu: 24. June: 9 – 15.30 h
We: 25. June: 9 – 15.30 h
Th: 26. June: 9 – 15.30 h
At the next dates there will be drivers of Mitfahrgelegenheiten asked by the judge and also a responsible policeman from „Soko-Schlepperei“ (comission of human smuggling).
Please mobilize for the coming dates!
more information:
*There are more people accused of „Schlepperei“. They will get an own trial, that will be highly influenced by the sentences of this running process.