Anti-nuclear bus to tour Germany, neighbours


Activists living near one of Germany’s nuclear waste dumps are sending a demo and info bus around Germany and into five neighbouring countries.

The tour from 5 July to 3 August by the group resisting dumping at Gorleben in north Germany has 40 nuclear destinations on its agenda and is open for more suggestions.

It’s to add to the mobilisation drive for a national anti-nuclear demo in Berlin on 5 September.

The Bürgerinitiative Umweltschutz Lüchow-Dannenberg (BI for short) says sites to be visited include operating and planned waste dumps, a former uranium mining area, operating and abandoned nuclear power stations, the location of a planned recycling plant, a showcase green power town, a nuclear weapons base, a nuclear research installation and uranium enrichment plants.

Towns to be visited in neighbouring countries are Temelin (Czech Republic), Linz (Austria), Benken (Switzerland), Whyl/Fessenheim (France) and  Almelo (Netherlands).

“Many of you have often been with us in Gorleben, in the Wendland, in Lüchow-Dannenberg. Now we’re coming to you to finally realise old invitations – and new ones, before it could be too late,” the BI writes in a pamphlet.

On the large bus will be about 20 people with info materials and an exhibition, speeches and discussion rounds, street theatre, actions to join in for the very small and the very tall, music and poetry, a building site for finding a final waste repository and surprise presents.

“We won’t be able to persuade the profiteers of the atomic business, but we can reach the many guileless and uninformed.”

The route planned so far:

BI Umweltschutz Lüchow-Dannenberg e.V.

Tel. 05841 46 84

Gerhard Harder 0170 - 476 1201 

Gerhard Förster 05841 – 961 502

Donations: Sparkasse Lüchow, BLZ 258 501 10, account: 440 60 721


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Die Organisatoren des anti-Atom Trecker-Treck nach Berlin suchen helfende Hände! Im Organisationsbüro des Trägerkreises wächst die Arbeit mit jedem Tag.


Die hauptsächlich ehrenamtlich tätigen Menschen brauchen dringend Unterstützung! Wir suchen Praktikanten und Praktikantinnen, die im Büro in Lüchow-Dannenberg über Tage, Wochen oder sogar Monate mit anpacken: Infomaterial erstellen, Aktionsideen ausdenken, Bustour vorbereiten, Materialpakete packen, Email-Anfragen beantworten… mittendrin sein in der Organisation eines großartigen Treckertrecks und der größten Anti-Atom-Demo, die Berlin je gesehen hat!

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J. Becker