ALF greift DHL-Büro in Basel an

Switzerland DHL

Aktivist*innen der Animal Liberation Front (ALF) haben vergangene Woche ein Büro der DHL in Basel angegriffen und mit Farbe verschönert. Die Aktion reiht sich in die Kampagne gegen DHL und die Tierversuchsindustrie ein. Diese Aktion war eine und viele werden folgen...


In einem Bekenner*innenschreiben nehmen die ALF-Aktivist*innen bezug auf die Kampagne gegen DHL:

"Letzte Woche wurde das regionale Büro von DHL angegriffen und mit Farbe verschönert. Mit roter Farbe wurde der Slogan: 'STOP VIVISECTION' hinterlassen.

Der Kampf gegen DHL hat gerade erst begonnen!

DHL ist seit kurzem im Hauptfokus der GATEWAY TO HELL CAMPAIGN. Es geht darum Fluggesellschaften zu stoppen die nichtmenschliche Tiere in den Tod der Versuchslabors transportieren.


Die Aktionen werden solange weitergehen bis DHL aus dem Geschäft mit der Tierversuchsindustrie ausseigt."



WHY? [from Gateway to Hell]

ABX Air, a subsidiary of the Air Transport Services Group, is the only known air cargo carrier that is transporting primates from China and South East Asia to research laboratories in the USA. So far this year ABX Air are known to have transported thousands of innocent animals to their deaths, and despite a significant campaign against them they refuse to change their policy to transport these animals.

ABX Air claim to have contractual obligations with certain laboratories to continue transporting these animals for the next two years and they have repeatedly stated that they have no intention of ending their involvement in this cruel trade.

However, transporting research primates is only a small part of ABX Air's business so in order to stop them we will need to extend the campaign to focus on other areas of their business in order to stop these primate flights.

ABX Air's main business is transporting cargo for DHL, the major international cargo company, and more than half of ABX Air's aircraft are painted with DHL's colours. Gateway To Hell have been in contact with DHL, and in turn DHL have complained to ABX Air about their involvement in the transport of research animals but unfortunately this still hasn’t stopped ABX Air’s animal transports, despite vague assurances that they will consider a policy change at their next business review.

We simply cannot accept that ABX Air and other subsidiaries from the Air Transport Transport Group continue to transport these animals to their deaths in cruel and needless experiments, so for this reason we will be holding DHL directly accountable for every innocent animal transported by ABX Air.

DHL has the power to stop ABX Air's animal transports, considering they are responsible for over half of all of ABX Air's business, so we are demanding that DHL either use their influence to force ABX Air to cease these animal transports or that they end their working relationship with ABX Air.

Until our demands are met, DHL will be the main focus of the campaign to end ABX Air's animal transports!"

Zeige Kommentare: ausgeklappt | moderiert

lol, toller ,,Angriff". Was sollen immer diese unsäglichen Kinderstreiche?

die kinder sind subersiv, du bist ein trauriger neider (und reaktionär)

ein klingelstreich und eine brennende tüte mit hundekacke, das hat die gleiche qualität