Animal Liberation Front (ALF) befreit Tiere in Peru, Italien, Uruguay, Australien und Tschechien


In der Nacht des 16. Dezember 2013 überfiel eine Zelle der Animal Liberation Front (ALF) den Camposanto-Zoo in Lima (Peru). Die ALF-Aktivist*innen befreiten bei ihrer Aktion drei Kälber. Weitere ALF-Befreiungsaktionen gab es in Italien, Uruguay, Australien und Tschechien. In Italien wurden über 1.500 Nerze befreit, in Uruguay überfielen ALF-Aktivist*innen ein Tierversuchslabor und befreiten zwei Hasen, in Australien wurden 125 Emus befreit und in Tschechien befreite die ALF über 300 Nerze. 



16. Dezember 2013, Peru:

- ALF-Aktivist*innen überfallen den Zoo von Lima (Peru) und befreien drei Kälber.


08. Dezember 2013, Italien:

- Aktivist*innen befreien über 1500 Nerze aus einer Farm bei Carzago Riviera (Brescia, Italien).


01. Dezember 2013, Uruguay:

- ALF-Aktivist*innen überfallen ein Tierversuchslabor in Uruguay und befreien zwei Hasen.


21. November 2013, Australien:

- Aktivist*innen befreien im australischen Tooraweenah 125 Emus.


21. November 2013, Tschechien:

- ALF-Aktivist*innen überfallen eine Pelzfarm bei Jihlava (Tschechien) und befreien über 300 Nerze.



Deutschsprachiges Bekenner*innenschreiben zur Aktion am 16. Dezember 2013 in Peru:

Ein Video der Aktion gibt es hier:

"In der Nacht des 16. Dezember 2013 überfiel eine Zelle der Animal Liberation Front den Camposanto-Zoo in Lima und befreite drei Kälber. 

Am liebsten hätten wir alle Tiere mitgenommen aber das war nicht möglich. Die Kälber waren in einem kleinen Raum eingesperrt, was einen großen Stressfaktor für sie darstellte. Die Kälber wurden schnell transportiert und vor dem Morgengrauen konnten sie sich bereits frei an einem sicheren und brauchbaren Ort bewegen. Zunächst wussten die Kälber nicht was ihnen geschah, aber nach einer kurzen Zeit beruhigten sie sich und ahnten wohl, dass die Freiheit auf sie warten würde.

Für sie wird dieses Ereignis ihr Leben völlig verändern und sie können jetzt ohne das Risiko leben, dass ihr Leben in einem Schlachhaus endet. Und sie werden die restliche Zeit ihres Lebens nicht angebunden in einem Käfig verbringen.

Das verschaffte uns das Gefühl, dass wir für sie etwas gutes taten, und das ist ein belebendes Ereignis für uns. Eine Zeit in der sie sich frei und zufrieden fühlen können, weil für sie jetzt ein neues Leben beginnt.

Wir kamen im Dunkeln, damit es für sie hell wird ... unter den Zuständen unter denen wir sie vorfanden wären sie gestorben, traurig, verängstigt und alleine.

Den Kälbern geht es jetzt sicher besser und sie tragen die Namen Carmen, Leopoldo and Seferino.

Wir ermutigen alle eine Empathie mit Tieren zu entwickeln und vegan zu leben. Es gibt viele Arten Tieren zu helfen, es hängt von niemandem anderen ab als von dir.

Grüße an alle die unsere Aktionen verbreiten.

Es lebe die Direkte Aktion.

Für die Befreiung von Menschen, nichtmenschlichen Tieren und der Erde.

ALF, Antispeziesistische Militz"



"On the night of December 16th a cell of the Animal Liberation Front broke into the Camposanto Zoo in Lima and managed to rescue three unique and irreplaceable calves. We would have liked to have taken all the animals, but it was not possible. The calves were confined in a small space: a major source of stress. The calves were quickly transported and before dawn they were walking freely in a safe and suitable place. At first the calves did not know what was happening to them, but after a short time they calmed down and they knew that freedom was waiting for them.
For them this will be a total change in their lives which they will enjoy without the risk of ending up in a slaughterhouse, and they will not pass the greater part of their lives locked in a cage.
This made us feel that we are doing something good for them; it is a vital event. A time when they can feel free and satisfied; for the calves life starts now. We arrived in the dark, so that it will be light for them... in those pens they would have died sad, scared and alone.
The calves are now doing perfectly and have been baptized Carmen, Leopoldo and Seferino.
We encourage everyone to try to empathize with animals and adopt a vegan way of life. There are many ways you can help animals, it doesn't depend on anyone but yourself.

Greetings to those who disseminate our actions.
Viva Direct Action
Animal, Human and Earth Liberation
FLA / FLT Antispeciesist Militia"


"En la noche del 16º de Diciembre una célula del Frente de Liberación Animal irrumpió en el zoo campo santo de Lima y logró rescatar a 3 becerros diferentes únicos e irrepetible, nos hubiera gustado tener a todos los animales pero no fue posible, lxs becerros se encontraban en un espacio mínimo donde se veían obligadxs a permanecer constantemente una gran fuente de estrés, lxs becerros fueron transportados de manera rápida en donde antes de que amaneciera ya andaban libremente en un lugar seguro e idóneo, al principio lxs becerros no sabían lo que les estaba pasando, pero después de un corto período de tiempo se calmaron, sabían entonces que la libertad les estaba esperando.
Para ellxs va a suponer un cambio total en sus vidas en el que disfrutan sin riesgo a acabar en un matadero en donde no pasaran la mayor parte de sus vidas encerradxs en una jaula.
Nos hizo sentir que estamos haciendo algo bueno para ellxs es un acontecimiento vital momentos en el que puedan sentirse libres y satisfechxs, para lxs becerros la vida comienza ahora llegamos en la oscuridad por lo que va a ser luz para ellxs... en los corrales se morirían triste, asustadxs, solxs.

Lxs becerros ahora se encuentran perfectamente y ha sido bautizadxs como Carmen, Leopoldo y Seferino.

Animamos a todo el mundo a tratar de empatizar con los animales y a adoptar una forma de vida vegana, son muchas las formas en las que puedes ayudar a lxs animales, no depende de nadie más que de ti.

Un saludo a quienes difunden nuestras acciones.
Viva la Acción directa
Liberación Animal, Humana y de la Tierra
FLA/FLT Milicia Antiespecista"



Bekenner*innenschreiben zur Aktion am 08. Dezember 2013 in Italien:

"On the night of December 8, we entered the mink farm in Carzago Riviera (Brescia).
The presence of many guard dogs, two guards and security systems did not discourage us.
A passage for the mink was created by cutting part of the fence and demolishing some protective slabs.
From the cages we removed all the tags with information used to trace the history of each individual animal, especially those mink intended for breeding. There were four mink in each tiny cage. These prisons shrouded in fog hide the suffering of millions of individual animals.
We opened and damaged cages in seven out of the eight sheds. We were interrupted by the arrival of two guards, awoken by the cries of the freed mink. We were chased and shot at with rifles probably loaded with rock salt shells.
Running through sheds among a thousand little eyes that glowed in the dark, under cover of night we began our escape.
Many animals had been killed and skinned. Many others will be recaptured. Only some will find freedom. How can you have a thousand words against animal exploitation and not make a simple gesture that leads to freedom for animals from places of torture? This simple action, that anyone could do, is part of the struggle for the complete closure of these factory farms of death. This fight is not limited to farms, but is against all forms of exploitation and domination, and it is for this reason that we have chosen to take direct action. Liberation that comes through the democratic and parliamentary theater, with all the many forms of delegation, spectacle and social peace, is only a semblance of change or exploitation that has taken on a new appearance.
Do not wait for the arrival of larger cages, but instead immediately destroy the existing cages.
Farms in Italy are increasing, growing bigger and stronger; now more than ever it is crucial to resist the opening of new farms and to close those already open. These farmers will not sleep soundly at night, despite all the security measures, someone will always be able to enter their concentration camps.
... To those thousand little eyes glowing in the dark
run mink run ...

... We define 'terrorist' ...
Who is a terrorist, someone who decides to liberate animals even knowing that not all will survive, but giving them a chance of freedom, or someone who locks animals in cages to breed, kill and skin them to turn them into a fur coat? Animals deprived of their freedom, their subjectivity and individuality should live free but instead spend most of their lives locked up in a cage and then vivisected, tortured, killed, to become a guinea pig on which to test, to become a mere commodity, a product, a fur coat, a piece of meat ..."


"Nella notte dell'8 Dicembre siamo entrati nell'allevamento di visoni a Carzago della Riviera (Brescia).
La presenza dei tanti cani da guardia, di due custodi e sistemi di sicurezza non ci hanno fatto desistere.
E' stato creato un passaggio per i visoni tagliando parte della recinzione e demolendo alcune lastre di protezione.
Dalle gabbie sono stati tolti tutti i cartellini con informazioni utili a tracciare la storia di ogni singolo animale, soprattutto per quei visoni destinati ad essere riproduttrici. Le piccolissime gabbie richiudevano anche quattro visoni. Queste prigioni avvolte dalla nebbia oltre al corpo rinchiudono la sofferenza di milioni di individui animali.
Sono state aperte e danneggiate le gabbie di quasi sette degli otto capanni presenti. Siamo stati interrotti dall'arrivo dei due custodi, svegliati dalle grida dei visoni liberi, che ci hanno rincorso sparando alcuni colpi di fucile probabilmente caricato a sale.
Correndo nei capanni tra mille piccoli occhi che risplendevano nel buio, col favore della notte anche noi abbiamo iniziato la nostra fuga.
Molti animali erano già stati uccisi e scuoiati. Molti altri verranno ricatturati. Solo alcuni troveranno la libertà. Com'è possibile avere mille parole contro lo sfruttamento animale e non compiere un solo semplice gesto che porta alla libertà quegli animali dai luoghi di tortura? Questa semplice azione, che chiunque può riuscire a realizzare, è parte di quella lotta che vuole la chiusura totale di questi allevamenti fabbriche di morte. Questa lotta non si ferma solo agli allevamenti, ma è contro ogni forma di sfruttamento e dominio, anche per questo abbiamo scelto di intraprendere l'azione diretta. La liberazione che passa attraverso il teatrino democratico e parlamentare, con tutte la molteplici forme di delega, spettacolo e pacificazione sociale, è solo una parvenza di cambiamento o uno sfruttamento che ha assunto nuove sembianze. Non aspetteremo l'arrivo di gabbie più grandi, ma distruggeremo immediatamente quelle esistenti.
Gli allevamenti in Italia sono in aumento, si stanno ingrandendo e rinforzando, ora più che mai è urgente farli desistere dall'aprirne di nuovi e per far chiudere quelli presenti. In queste notti gli allevatori non dormiranno sonni tranquilli, nonostante tutte le misure di sicurezza che avranno, qualcuno riuscirà sempre a entrare nei loro lagher.
... A quei piccoli mille occhi risplendenti nel buio
corriamo visoni corriamo...

... Ci definiranno 'terroristi'...
Chi è terrorista tra chi decide di liberare degli animali anche sapendo che non tutti sopravviveranno, ma dandogli una possibilità di libertà, o chi rinchiude degli animali in una gabbia per allevarli, ucciderli e scuoiarli per farli diventare una pelliccia? Animali privati della libertà, della loro soggettività e individualità che dovrebbero vivere liberi e invece passano parte della loro vita rinchiusi in una gabbia per poi essere vivisezionati, torturati, uccisi, diventando una cavia su cui sperimentare, diventando una mera merce, un prodotto, una pelliccia, un pezzo di carne..."


Bekenner*innenschreiben zur Aktion am 01. Dezember 2013 in Uruguay:

"In the early morning hours of December 1, a cell of the Animal Liberation Front entered the Veterinary School and managed to rescue two rabbits who were to be used as objects of experimentation.

We left in their place some flyers expressing our rejection of imprisonment, exploitation and of any speciesist practice.

Science, 'progress', capital... all of them leave victims in their path and now is the time to put an end to all of that.

The law does not mean justice and it does not represent us.

We will continue until all cages are empty and destroyed.

Animal Liberation!"


"En la madrugada del 1º de Diciembre una célula del Frente de Liberación Animal ingresó a la Facultad de Veterinaria y logró rescatar dos conejos que iban a ser utilizados como objeto de experimentación.

Dejamos en el lugar algunos volantes donde se manifestaba nuestro rechazo ante la privación de libertad, la explotación y ante cualquier práctica especista.

La ciencia, el 'progreso', el capital... todos ellos están dejando víctimas en su camino y ya es tiempo de acabar con eso.

La ley no significa justicia y la misma no nos representa.

Seguiremos hasta que todas las jaulas estén vacías y destruidas.

¡Liberación Animal!"



Bekenner*innenschreiben zur Aktion am 21. November 2013 in Australien:

"On the morning of Wednesday 21st November 125 emus were liberated from a wildlife breeding enterprise just north of Tooraweenah into the Warrumbungle mountains. Farmer reports to have recaptured majority of the birds, though their word can not be trusted.

The Henley family is imprisoning up to 1000 emus on their native lands and farming them mainly for their oil. Each summer at 18-24 months of age they are live transported over 750km only to face a slaughterhouse at the very end.

This attack will not be tolerated."




Bekenner*innenschreiben zur Aktion am 21. November 2013 in Tschechien:
received anonymously:

"On 21st November 2013 group of ALF-Bohemia got inside to areal of mink farm
near Jihlava city and liberated about 300 minks from farm and gave them
chance for true live. Action was successful despite good security system. Near
exit we left sign 'Stop it or die-ALF!!!' Fight for animals rights will


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wäre es möglich zu den übersetzungssprachmöglichkeiten die türkische sprache zu ergänzen. das wäre super. besten dank.

nein, das geht nicht, schon fünf sprachen sind aufwändig zu pflegen. außerdem können wir türkische texte kaum moderieren, deshalb werden wir die sprache auch nicht "offiziell" anbieten. sorry!

16 Aralık gecesi bir ALF hücresi Lima’daki Camposanto Hayvanat Bahçesi’ne girdi ve 3 buzağıyı kurtardı. Keşke bütün hayvanları alabilseydik, ama imkânsızdı. Buzağılar küçük bir yere sıkıştırılmıştı: büyük stres altındaydılar.  Buzağılar hemen oradan götürüldü ve daha şafak sökmeden kendilerine uygun bir yerde artık özgür olarak dolaşabiliyorlardı. Önce buzağılar başlarına ne geldiğini anlamadı, ama kısa bir süre sonra sakinleştiler ve özgürlüğün kendilerini beklediğini biliyorlardı.

Onlar için bu yaşamlarında büyük bir değişim olacak, artık mezbahaya gitme riskinden kurtulmuş bir şekilde yaşamanın keyfinin sürecek ve bir kafeste kilitli olarak yaşamayacaklar.

Kendimizi onlar adına iyi bir şey yaptığımızı hissettik. Artık buzağıların kendilerini özgür ve mutlu hissedebildiği bir zaman; buzağılar için hayat yeni başlıyor. Onlar için ışık olsun diye karanlıkta vardık oraya …. o kapalı bölmelerde yapayalnız, korkmuş, üzgün olarak öleceklerdi.

Buzağılar şu an çok iyi .

Herkesi hayvanlarla empati kurmaya ve vegan olarak yaşamaya çağırıyoruz. Hayvanlara yardım etmek için çok yol var, bu, başkasına değil sadece size bağlı.

Eylemlerimizi yayan herkese selâmlar.

Yaşasın Doğrudan Eylem! 

Hayvan, İnsan, Dünya Özgürlüğü

FLA / FLT Antitürcü Milisler