Call for solidarity with Can Piella squat - fight eviction!

Can Piella

Can Piella wants to build and disseminate an alternative model of society, and contribute to realize social change that will lead to "a more altruistic, sustainable, ecological society with solidarity. The project integrates both residents of the nearby towns, who wanted to work the land collectively, as well as collective critical thinking, research initiatives in alternative energy systems, and use by boy scouts, among others. All have found in Can Piella a space for reflection, debate and community work.


The house, despite being a historical and cultural heritage, was in ruins, after more than 10 years of neglect. This reveals the lack of projects of the property owners(Alcaraz a huge estate in Catalonia), who seem uninterested in preserving the property. Anyway, the Judicial Hearing of Cerdanyola del Valles has issued an eviction order for the country house of Can Piella from next October 15th. This measure aims to end the occupation of public land, which for three years has been carried out by associated neighbors.

The problem evoked by the eviction of Can Piella is a global one of our society, constantly facing the myth of progress with a social reality that degenerates into only profiting monetarily. No wonder then, that initiatives like this are offensive to the political and economic elites, who attempt to control and deprive the population But there are things you can never take away ...

They can not destroy the consciousmes created by this project.
They can not evict the need to share, versus compete.
They can not take away the desire to build a new society.
Neither the Earth nor hope, will ever be bricked up!

Can Piella is alive


+ Info @CanPiella   #CanpiellaVive   #CovantAutonomia i


Since Can Piella want to let you know the news about the case. We need all the possible help right know. So, at the distance, if is not possible to came...

- You can sign in the petition to revoke the judicial decision.

- You can use Twitter giving support at @CanPiella   #CanpiellaVive   #CovantAutonomia i

Here you have some info about what is the situation to send to everybody. That is a global problem, come together!



Poultry of the world, to you we appeal!

Thou that felt the narrowness of the barnyard.
Thou to whom leathers were cut.
Thou who were trapped in factories under infraliving conditions to produce with no reason.
Thou who kept thinking more thoroughly when learnt that his brain is the size of a rice grain.
Thou who live in cities, locked up in apartments without barnyard nor company.
Thou who were able to be free and sauvage.
Thou who spend half a life in a jail waiting to be bought.
To all we say: Our eggs are at stake!!

We have been 3 years incubating an egg of hopes, an egg of collective work, an egg of community values, an egg of alternatives, an egg of self-management, an egg of agrecology... Lots of eggs!

Nonetheless, the Great Farmer does not want us in his barnyard.

He says we are slow, that these eggs doesn't make sense. He says our eggs are empty, that we need a ''precautionary break of eggs"...

After 3 years trying to dialogue with him without success, now he does give us 10 days so that we abandond our project. So they have told us that the 14 October will break our eggs, which we are heating with such patience and love from Can Piella.

For that, chickens, let's revindicate the effort, the work, the patience that some broody chickens who want to see their children grow in a different world.

A place where the barnyard poultry do not have a barnyard and where the collective work prevails over the farmer's interests.

If you are fhicken, if you have eggs, if some other granger has ignored you some time also, if our eggs are yours, or if you believe in the hope a different barnyard, you will know what we are talking about.

Because we are all poultry, broody poultrly of the world, unite!!


@CanPiella     #CanpiellaVive      #CovantAutonomia


Can Piella
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