The wave of neo-nazi attacks in Berlin’s Neukoelln district continues. In a press release “Wir sind alle Dresden Nazifrei” writes that nazis attacked a private apartment last night.
Yesterdays nazi attack was probably an attack against anti-fascist Tim H. who is standing trial for the third time at the moment. Tim is standing tial because of his alleged role during antifa blockades in Dreden, Germany in 2011. “Wir sind alle Dresden Nazifrei” stated that nazis tried to get Tim’s adress during a court hearing last Wednesday. But according to Zeit Online Tim is not living in the apartment.
During last nights attack several windows were smashed and 2 rooms were vandalised. At the moment the nazis attacked there were 2 adults and 2 chilfren in the apartment. Luckily nobody was injured.
Gestern Abend haben Neonazis eine Privatwohnung in Berlin angegriffen. Wir gehen davon aus, dass der Angriff eigentlich Tim galt und die Nazis versucht haben, sich bei der Gerichtsverhandlung am Mittwoch in Dresden seine Adresse zu beschaffen. Mehrere Fenster wurden eingeschmissen und zwei Räume verwüstet. Zum Zeitpunkt der Tat hielten sich zwei Erwachsene und zwei kleine Kinder in der Wohnung auf und nur durch großes Glück wurde niemand verletzt. Tim steht momentan in Dresden bereits zum dritten Mal wegen seiner Beteiligung an den Dresden Nazifrei Blockaden 2011 vor Gericht.
On the night between the 11th and 12th of December there were at least three assaults by fascists in Berlin’s Neukolln district: an arson attack against the left-wing café collective k-fetisch; an attack with stones against the Leporello bookstore, which hosted a meeting against the Afd 10 days ago; an attack with stones and spray-paint against the apartment of a left-wing activist.
On December 16 about 1300 people joined an antifa demo against the first wave of fascist attacks.