[LSA] Aktionswoche gegen die Asylrechtsverschärfung // Sachsen-Anhalt

Kundgebung für die Legalisierung langjährig geduldeter Flüchtlinge // Wittenberg


Im Rahmen der Aktionswoche gegen die Asylrechtsverschärfungen wird eine Kundgebung in Wittenberg stattfinden!


The German institutions namely the BAMF with its various branch offices and the 530 foreign office are responsible in destroying our lives and perspectives. They called us “tolerated refugees”. Although we are legally registered in Germany.
Lutherstadt Wittenberg and its foreign office implements aggressive measure that destroys our lives and perspectives.
We are registered refugees that have been residing for many years in Germany. Some of us up to 17 years and more without authorization to work, without freedom of movement, exposed to administrative repressions and persecution, excluded from the society and our legal rights, perspectives are being abused. The German responsible authorities called us “tolerated refugees”.

Germany is signatory of the “Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and Stateless persons”¹. Therefore, all parties are obliged to protect refugees world wide. The German responsible authorities treat us the contrary. Although we have nothing to do with the "Dublin Convention".
Many of us have become sick due to the severe repression and persecution by the responsible authority. Notwithstanding that we cannot live in our countries or countries where we last resided because of political persecution, war, no family contact and belonging, lack of re-integration, and danger of death etc.
Due to the above reasons, we have decided unanimously in our previous refugee meeting held in Vockerode to manifest and denounce the illicit practices.
Previously, we have expressed our opinion “Sachsen Anhalt: Stop Legitimating Injustice and Legitimate Justice for Refugees 2015”³ and “Open Protest Letter Against Administrative Abuses and Unprofessional Behaviors of Foreigners Office in Lutherstadt Wittenberg".
We demand the legalization of our residence permit without compromise. Stop destroying our perspective. You are killing us!!!


Unterstützt die Geflüchteten beim Protest! Seid solidarisch! Bleiberecht für alle!

* Flüchtlingsbewegung Sachsen Anhalt, The Caravan for the Right of Refugees and Migrannt and the Voice Refugee Forum

16.4. // 14:00 Uhr // KUNDGEBUNG und PRESSEKONFERENZ // Wittenberg, Marktplatz


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