Mobi-Video: Who killed Francis Kwame?

Mobi Francis Kwame

Kundgebung in Gedenken an Francis Kwame am 30.04.2014 Francis Kwame lebt in unserem Kampf als Zeugen des Krieges für das Überleben und die Wahrheit weiter. Francis Kwame lives on in our struggle as witnesses of war for survival and the truth.


Kundgebung – Rally organised by Lampedusa in Hamburg
Mittwoch 30. April 2014 | 15.30h 
Reesendammbrücke/ Jungfernstieg


Francis Kwame
September 1958 -- 20. March 2014

Francis Kwame was the eldest among the group "Lampedusa in Hamburg". 20 years he lived in Libya. The last ten years before the war he worked for the German company Berger. "... First the western colleges said something will happen soon and after they were brought out of the country by their companies. The African workers were left behind. Three days later I saw 24 missiles hit in Tripolis. You heard them coming, this howling sound and then the detonation... "

He survived the bombs of the NATO and the forced crossing of the Mediterranean Sea to Italy. Three years later he died on the streets of Hamburg, deprived of his livelihood and all rights -- on the anniversary of the breakout of the war in Libya.

Francis Kwame lives on in our fight as witnesses of war for survival and for the truth.

